Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Before I Was a Mommy

This is going to be a reoccurring post, I'm sure, so these are just the tips of the iceberg! :)

     My Munchkin doing my reading! :)

Before I was a mommy, I could study. I'm not saying I loved loved it, but I could pick up a book or an essay (I'm getting my MA in English) without two little hands and 10 little fingers grabbing and squeezing the papers because they love the feeling of crisp pages.  

Before I was a mommy, I scoffed at those who would even consider spending $30 on a Boppy pillow.  I now have one for home and one at my mom's house. I definitely couldn't breastfeed without it!

Before I was a mommy 9:30 pm was just the start of a fun night. . . not anymore. Now 9:30 pm feels like midnight and I can barely keep my eyes open! Conversely, before I was a mommy, 3:30 am wasn't seen often....now I see it at least twice a week.  


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