Monday, November 11, 2013

An intro of sorts

So who am I and why did I make a "mommy blog?"

Well, I'm a mommy to a sweet little boy born March 20, 2013 and I've never been more in love with anyone in my whole entire life.  Like seriously, he's my world.

I started this blog, quite straightforwardly, because I love to write and motherhood is laden with plenty of writing material.  

I didn't start this blog to give props to my parenting style (although I'm sure it'll happen from time to time) or to convince or cajole anyone either.  I believe that moms all have the right to "mom" their way, so although I don't support every parenting style I support moms having a choice of what parenting style they choose.

A word about my "style," while we're on the subject.   I don't like to classify my style (and myself in other parts of my life) but for the sake of understanding what kind of a mom I am I will this once.

I am most closely related to the Attachment Parenting style and that parenting choice has definitely shaped the kind of mom I am.  So, the gist of AP-ing is that you do whatever you can to ensure that baby and mommy (daddy and caregivers, too) are able create a strong bond.

This, according to AP, is done many ways, but a couple of the ways that AP applies to babies are through breastfeeding (which I'm lucky enough to be able to do exclusively) or feeding lovingly with a lot of skin connection, responding to baby's cries or cues quickly and respectfully (so baby knows they can always count on you), limit amount of formal "sleep training" for baby, and reconsider sleeping arrangements.   This, of course is a very condensed version of the AP style, but if you're interested in learning more about the principles of AP check out their website:

At the end of the day, I am a mommy who loves her baby boy and although I am excited to see him grow, I love the scenery of where we are now and that's what I'm going to enjoy.

So, as they say, buckle up and keep your hands and arms inside this wild ride! Let's enjoy it together!

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