a wonder week + teething + sleep pattern changes + preparation for finals (both your own and your students') + the holiday season?
A recipe for exhaustion--that's what you get. You also get a tornado of sleepiness. Crankiness. Coffee...lots of coffee.
These weeks sure can test a person. They can make you feel as though you're clinically insane. Sleep deprivation seems to be a norm.
Since these weeks have come upon us, Kevin has: begun to crawl, sit up by himself, started to say "maaaam" more clearly, can feed himself Cheerios, has started getting at least 2 new teeth (one of which just came in Sunday), is trying to stand alone, and can pull himself into a standing position.
One of the first days really crawling.
No wonder he's been so cranky lately! He's been physically and mentally developing soooo much!
No real point to this post but to remind myself and everyone else that tough weeks are just that--one or two weeks in many weeks and days. The weeks will eventually be over.